Monday, April 14, 2008

Saturday's Acupuncture Appointment

I had my acupuncture appointment on Saturday. They didn't do the trigger point releases, and I was really disappointed. What they did do was check out my arms, specifically my left one where I'd had the "tennis elbow" surgery, and put needles in there. I don't know if it was anything they did, but the pain in my thoracic region was worse and I had pain running down my arm all weekend.
The pain in the arm went away, and I'm wondering if it was just something that they released that was working itself out or what. I don't have appointments for the next two weeks as the students are graduating, then I go back in early May and I really hope that they bring back the Pain Clinic then or that I have no need for by then!

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Sunday, April 06, 2008


Went to the Tartan Day parade yesterday with some Flickr friends. I still get the same old pains in my legs after being on my feet for a good 4 hours. Maybe I expect too much and everyone my age *cough cough* feels this way? Still, after four hours on their feet, my buddies were heading off to walk another twenty blocks to stand in another bar, while I headed off to the subway.

I don't take pain meds for this type of pain, I'm kind of used to it by now. Yesterday I took 200 mg of Neurontin, which doesn't so much help the pain as calm me down and take my focus off of it. Any kind of pain generates a bit of anxiety as I'm worried that I'll go back to pre-surgery Elvis-like pain levels. I know better; those days have really and truly "left the building" but sometimes I am afraid of ghosts.

In related news:
I had my last appointment at the pain clinic on Tuesday, and it was a rip-snorting, muscle releasing success. I'm very sad to see the clinic end, but I'm hoping now that I go back to the Saturday appointments, they can and will do the same type of treatment.
I have my second Alexander lesson on Wednesday night.

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